Book a Community Acupuncture Appointment
A community acupuncture clinic is a healthcare facility that offers acupuncture services within a communal setting, as opposed to the traditional one-on-one private sessions. In these clinics, multiple patients receive acupuncture treatments simultaneously, typically in a shared space with reclining chairs, beds or yoga mats. Community acupuncture aims to make acupuncture more accessible and affordable to a broader range of people by offering sliding scale payment options and eliminating the need for private treatment rooms. This model fosters a sense of community and support among patients, who often find comfort in the shared experience of receiving treatment together.
To schedule please call or text 505-228-7128 or book online from the booking page and select community clinic.
Right now community clinics run Monday evenings from 3-6pm.
We charge a sliding scale price of $50-$100.